(function(window) {
var proto = Array.prototype, slice = proto.slice, isArray = Array.isArray, keys = Object.keys,
cssNum = {'column-count':1,'columns':1,'font-weight':1,'line-height':1,'opacity': 1,'z-index':1,'zoom':1};
(function(window) {
var proto = Array.prototype, slice = proto.slice, isArray = Array.isArray, keys = Object.keys,
cssNum = {'column-count':1,'columns':1,'font-weight':1,'line-height':1,'opacity': 1,'z-index':1,'zoom':1};
When calling addPx, send value first as there may be no key
function addPx(v, k) {return (typeof v === 'number' && (!k || !cssNum[k])) ? v + 'px' : v;}
function cash(arg) {return cash.init(arg);}
function isDocument(arg) {return arg && arg.nodeType === arg.DOCUMENT_NODE;}
function isFunction(arg) { return typeof arg === 'function'; }
function isObject(arg) {return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Object]';}
function isString(arg) {return typeof arg === 'string';}
function isWindow(arg) {return arg === window;}
cash.cache = {events: {}, display: {}};
generate a unique id for elements
cash._cid_ = 0;
Return the entire q
or a particular element located at an index by
passing nothing or a number respectively. Note that you can pass a
negative number to fetch from the end of the q
(-1 for the last for example).
{number} i
cash.get = function(i) {
intentional coercion
return i == null ? this.q : (i > -1 ? this.q[i]: this.q[this.q.length + (i)]);
fetch the unique identifier for this element
cash._getCid_ = function(el) {
return isWindow(el) ? 'window' : isDocument(el) ? 'document' : el.getAttribute('cid');
init Breaking from the jQuery pattern, only a singile DOM node or NodeList is expected as arguments (though an array is acceptable). The passed in arg is normalized into an array and set as $.q. All chainable methods then operate on the q.
{element|nodeList|array} arg
cash.init = function(arg) {
arg || (arg = []);
this.q = isArray(arg) ? arg :
(arg instanceof NodeList || arg instanceof HTMLCollection) ? slice.call(arg) : [arg];
return this;
Ye olde toString fallback to see if a passed in argument is an object. Really you should test the other cases (Array.isArray for example) but this does ‘even’ the API a little
cash.isObject = isObject;
cash.noop = function() {},
cash._setCache_ = function(ref, el) {
var cid = this._getCid_(el),
obj = this.cache[ref];
if(!cid) {
cid = String(++this._cid_);
el.setAttribute('cid', cid);
obj[cid] || (obj[cid] = ref === 'events' ? {} : undefined);
return obj;
cash._all = function(oArgs, assign, returns) {
var meths = oArgs[0].split('.'), args = slice.call(oArgs, 1),
meth = meths.pop(), r = returns ? [] : undefined, f, v;
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
meths.forEach(function(prop) {
f = el[prop];
TODO are we sure of a return here?
el = isFunction(f) ? f() : f;
if(assign) v = el[meth] = args[0];
else {
f = el[meth];
v = isFunction(f) ? f.apply(el, args) : f;
returns && r.push(v);
return returns ? r : this;
Invokes the provided method or method chain with the provided arguments to all elements in q. Example usage:
{string} methodName
. Can be a string representing a method name, an attribute, or a property. Can be chained with periods.
cash.call = function() {
return this._all(arguments, false, false);
Sets the value on all elements in the q. Setters can be chained with periods. Example usage:
{string} propertyName
. Can be a string representing an attribute or property. Can be chained with periods.
{any} value
. The value to be assigned.
cash.assign = function() {
return this._all(arguments, true, false);
Similar to call(), collect() invokes the provided method or method chain but instead of returning cash, returns the return values from each function invocation. Example usage:
{string} methodName
. Can be a string representing a method name, an attribute, or a property. Can be chained with periods.
cash.collect = function() {
return this._all(arguments, false, true);
Remove event bindings from the q which match the given type and/or function.
By supplying “.yourNamespace” as the event type, you can remove all events
in a namespace, or simply ‘‘ to remove all events.
The optional third argument, ‘cap’, is a boolean than will need to be
if you bound the event originally with cap = true
NOTE: You do not need to pass the ‘cap’ bool in the ‘forced capture phase’
case, that is the event is ‘focus’ or ‘blur’ and is delegated. Cash will
handle the capture phase bool for you in that case.
{string} type
. An event trigger, can be namespaced
{function} fn
. The function which should be removed, optional.
cash.off = function(type, fn, cap) {
var sp = type.split('.'), ev = sp[0], ns = sp.splice(1).join('.'),
all = ev === '*', events;
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
events = $.cache.events[$._getCid_(el)];
if(events) {
(all ? keys(events) : [ev]).forEach(function(k) {
events[k] && events[k].forEach(function(obj, i, ary) {
we may have forced the cap
if(!cap && (k === 'focus' || k === 'blur') && obj.sel) cap = true;
if((!ns || ns === obj.ns) && (!fn || fn === obj.fn) && (cap === obj.cap)) {
el.removeEventListener(k, obj.cb, obj.cap);
delete ary[i];
remove the falsey indices that were deleted
if(events[k]) events[k] = events[k].filter(function(i) {return i !== undefined;});
return this;
Given an event type, a callback, an optional selector for delegation, and an optional hash of data to be appended to the event, bind them to each element in the q. Capture phase is supported by passing true as the optional 5th argument. NOTE: if the event being bound is ‘focus’ or ‘blur’ and a selector is present capture phase is forced as delegation will not work otherwise.
{string} type
. Can be “namespaced” i.e click.foo
{function} fn
{string} sel
optional CSS selector for delegation
{object} data
optional hash to be appended to the event object
{bool} cap
optional bool to force capture phase
cash.on = function(type, fn, sel, data, cap) {
var sp = type.split('.'), ev = sp[0], ns = sp.splice(1).join('.'),
cb, events;
we force capture phase here so that delegation works
if(!cap && (ev === 'focus' || ev === 'blur') && sel) cap = true;
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
events = $._setCache_('events', el)[$._getCid_(el)];
events[ev] || (events[ev] = []);
cb = function(e) {
var targ, els;
pass the namespace along to the listener
if(ns) e.namespace = ns;
pass any custom data along to the listener
if(data) e.data = data;
base case is that this is not ‘delegated’
if(!sel) fn.call(el, e);
there is a sel, check for matches and call if so.
else {
set element list context
els = slice.call(el.querySelectorAll(sel));
check to see if any of our children matching the selector invoked the event
if(~els.indexOf(e.target)) targ = e.target;
otherwise see if any of the children matching the selector have el as their child
else els.some(function(qel){ if(qel.contains(e.target)) return targ = qel; });
couldn’t find the source based on the selector so we don’t match
if(targ) {
as defined by us rather than currentTarget
e.delegateTarget = targ;
fn.call(targ, e);
cb === ours, fn === theirs.
events[ev].push({ns: ns, sel: sel, cb: cb, fn: fn, cap: cap});
el.addEventListener && el.addEventListener(ev, cb, cap);
return this;
Given an event type, init a DOM event and dispatch it to each element in the q.
{string} e
cash.trigger = function(e) {
var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent(e, true, true);
this.q.forEach(function(el) {el.dispatchEvent && el.dispatchEvent(evt);});
return this;
Given a value this method is a setter for each element in the q. If the arg is truthy and a number it is converted to a string with ‘px’ added, if it is a string nothing is added. Minus that, it returns the height of the 0th item in the q;
{number|string} val
. Optional value to be set
{number|object} The height if a getter, cash if a setter
cash.height = function(val) {return this._hw_('height', val);};
cash._hw_ = function(key, val) {
var obj = {
height: {w:'innerHeight',d:'scrollHeight'},
width: {w:'innerWidth',d:'scrollWidth'}
}, node = this.q[0], d = isDocument(node) ? node.documentElement : null,
w = isWindow(node) ? node: null, type = obj[key], o;
if(!val) return node ? w ? w[type.w] : d ? d[type.d] : (o = this.offset()) && o[key] : 0;
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
el.style[key] = addPx(val);
return this;
Given a value this method is a setter for each element in the q. If the arg is truthy and a number it is converted to a string with ‘px’ added, if it is a string nothing is added. Minus that, it returns the width of the 0th item in the q;
{number|string} val
. Optional value to be set
{number|object} The height if a getter, cash if a setter
cash.width = function(val) {return this._hw_('width', val);};
As querySelector cannot take psuedo selectors we provide this method to
easily filter the q
to elements that do match the passed in selector.
{string} sel
cash.is = function(sel) {
this.q = this.q.filter(function(el) {return $.matches(el, sel);});
return this;
As querySelector cannot take psuedo selectors we provide this method to
easily filter the q
to elements that do not match the passed in selector
{string} sel
cash.not = function(sel) {
this.q = this.q.filter(function(el) {return !$.matches(el, sel);});
return this;
Given a string, create a DOM element and store place in at the q. Notice that the input must be a single ‘top-level’ Element, but it may contain any number of children.
{string} str
. An innerHTML compatible string
cash.createElement = function(str) {
var wrap = document.createElement('div');
wrap.innerHTML = str;
return $(wrap.removeChild(wrap.firstElementChild));
Used to not only remove the elements in the q from the DOM, but to remove any references they have in the $.cache as well.
cash.remove = function() {
function rem(el) {delete $.cache.events[el.getAttribute('cid')];}
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
unset any children
now the top-level parent
el.parentNode && el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
return this;
Makes elements in the q invisible in the DOM by modifying
the display
attribute, if necessary.
cash.hide = function() {return this._sh_('hide');};
Makes elements in the q visible in the DOM by modifying
the display
attribute, if necessary.
cash.show = function() {return this._sh_('show');};
cash._sh_ = function(key) {
var isShow = key === 'show';
function state(z) {return isShow ? z !== 'none' : z === 'none';}
function none(arg) {return isShow ? arg !== 'none': arg === 'none';}
function notNone(arg) {return isShow ? arg === 'none': arg !== 'none';}
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
var display = $._setCache_('display', el), cid = el.getAttribute('cid'), old = display[cid],
comp = getComputedStyle(el).display, styl = el.style.display, z = (comp || styl);
if(state(z)) {
if(none(old)) delete display[cid];
does an old display value exist?
} else if (old && none(old)) {
el.style.display = old;
delete display[cid];
the element is not visible and does not have an old display value
} else {
is the element hidden with inline styling?
if(styl && notNone(styl)) {
display[cid] = styl;
el.style.display = isShow ? '' : 'none';
the element is hidden through css
} else el.style.display = isShow ? 'block': 'none';
return this;
Toggles the visibility of elements in the DOM by modifying
the display
attribute, if necessary.
cash.toggle = function() {
var ary = slice.call(this.q);
ary.forEach(function(el) {
getComputedStyle(el).display === 'none' ?
$(el).show() : $(el).hide();
return $(ary);
Given a key and a value, or a hash of key:value pairs, set each on the style property of
each element in the q
This method does not function as a getter (use getComputedStyle for that).
{string|object} key
{string} val
. Used if key
is not an object
cash.setStyle = function(key, val) {
var ary = isString(key) ? undefined : keys(key),
set = ary ? function(el) {ary.forEach(function(i) {el.style[i] = addPx(key[i], i);});} :
function(el) {el.style[key] = addPx(val, key);};
return this;
Get a hash of key:value pairs: top
, left
, width
and height
- representing
the position in the document of the 0th element in the q. This method is a getter only
(use css()
as a setter). Takes into consideration the page[X|Y]Offsets for
and top
as well as rounds the width and height
cash.offset = function() {
if(!this.q.length) return null;
var obj = this.q[0].getBoundingClientRect();
return {
left: obj.left + window.pageXOffset,
top: obj.top + window.pageYOffset,
width: Math.round(obj.width),
height: Math.round(obj.height)
Given a string selector, return the first parent node that matches it for each element in the q.
{string} sel
cash.closest = function(sel) {
var ary = [];
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
while(el && !$.matches(el, sel)) el = !isDocument(el) && el.parentNode;
if(!~ary.indexOf(el)) ary.push(el);
return $(ary);
See if any element in the current q contains the passed in element, setting the q as the container if found.
{element} el
cash.contains = function(el) {
var res;
this.q.some(function(node) {
if(node.contains(el)) return res = node;
return $(res);
From the existing q, rebuild it by performing a querySelectorAll with the given selector on each element in the q, pushing those elements found into the new q.
{string} sel
cash.find = function(sel) {
var ary = [];
function fn(n) {ary.push(n);}
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
if(el.querySelectorAll) proto.forEach.call(el.querySelectorAll(sel),fn);
return $(ary);
cash.parent = function() {
var ary = [], p;
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
if(!~ary.indexOf(p = el.parentElement) && p) ary.push(p);
return $(ary);
cash.parents = function() {
var ary = [], p;
this.q.forEach(function(el) {
p = el;
while((p = p.parentElement) && !isDocument(p)) {
if(!~ary.indexOf(p)) ary.push(p);
return $(ary);
Given a ‘paramaterized’ string, convert it to a hash and return it
{string} str
cash.deserialize = function(str) {
var obj = {}, ary;
str && str.split('&').forEach(function(spl) {
if(spl) {
ary = spl.split('=');
obj[decodeURIComponent(ary[0])] = decodeURIComponent(ary[1]);
return obj;
Copy the (non-inherited) key:value pairs from
{objects} A target object followed by
{object} A single object
cash.extend = function() {
var args = slice.call(arguments), targ = args.shift(), obj;
function fn(k) {targ[k] = obj[k];}
iterate over each passed in obj remaining
for(; args.length && (obj = args.shift());) {keys(obj).forEach(fn);}
return targ;
Unfortunately the matchesSelector methods are all hidden behind prefixes ATM. set the useable one, if not, then return the bool.
{element} el
. A DOM 1 nodetype
{string} sel
. A CSS selector
cash.matches = function(el, sel) {
if (el.nodeType !== 1) return false;
normalize the native selector match fn until all the prefixes are dropped
if(!this._matchesSelector_) {
this._matchesSelector_ = el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector ||
el.msMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector || el.matchesSelector;
return this._matchesSelector_.call(el, sel);
Given a hash of data, convert it to a ‘paramaterized’ string and return it.
{object} obj
cash.serialize = function(obj) {
var ary = [];
keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
ary.push(encodeURIComponent(key) +'='+ encodeURIComponent(obj[key]));
return ary.join('&');
cash.version = "0.3.0";
Not checking for window, or trying to play nice
window.$ = cash;